home safe in 2022Small home or hotel wall safe with keypad, open door

As home security becomes more important, many homeowners are looking for ways to safeguard their belongings. A home safe is a great way to protect your valuables, and there are many different types to choose from.

Burglary is on the rise, and while the overall rate of burglary is relatively low, the psychological impact can be significant. In addition to the loss of valuables, victims often feel a sense of violation. This is why it is so important to have a plan in place to protect your home and belongings.

One of the best ways to do this is to invest in a home safe. Home safes come in a variety of sizes and styles, so you can find one that fits your needs. They can be hidden in a closet or placed in a more visible location, such as a desk drawer.

There are many different types of home safes on the market. The most common are fireproof safes and deposit safes. Fireproof safes are designed to withstand high temperatures, making them ideal for protecting important documents and other valuables. Deposit safes are designed for quick and easy access to cash and other valuables.

A host of new features

Home safes have come a long way in recent years, with a plethora of new features and designs to choose from. Whether you’re looking for a basic model to keep your important documents safe, or a high-tech unit with fingerprint recognition and a built-in alarm system, there’s a safe to suit your needs. Here’s a rundown of some of the latest trends in home safes.

Biometric locks

One of the latest trends is safes that come with a biometric lock, which uses your fingerprint as a key. This is a convenient and secure way to keep your safe unlocked, as only those with your fingerprint will be able to access it. Another popular trend is safes that come with a built-in alarm system. This is a great way to deter burglars, as the alarm will sound as soon as the safe is breached.


Some of the latest safes also come with geotagging capabilities. This means that the safe will automatically lock itself if it’s moved outside of a predetermined location. This is a great feature if you’re worried about your safe being stolen, as it makes it much harder for thieves to take it and open it later.

Some of the more high-end home safes also come with GPS tracking. This feature allows you to track the safe if it is ever stolen.

Tamper Proof

Another new feature that’s becoming popular on home safes is tamper-proofing. This means that the safe is designed to resist attempts to force it open. This can be helpful if you’re worried about someone trying to break into your home and getting to your safe.

Remote Access

Some home safes now come with the ability to be accessed remotely. This can be helpful if you need to get into your safe but can’t be there in person. You can usually access the safe via an app on your smartphone or a web browser.

Automatic Locking

Many of the latest safes also come with the ability to lock themselves automatically. This can be helpful if you forget to lock the safe when you leave the house or if you have young children who might try to play with the safe.

Motion Sensors

Another feature that is becoming more common in home safes is a motion sensor. If a safe is equipped with a motion sensor, it will trigger an alarm if someone tries to break into the safe.

Choosing a safe

What are you storing in it?

This is the most important question to ask yourself. What type of items do you need to store in the safe? If you’re just looking to store documents, a small fire-resistant safe should suffice. However, if you’re looking to store more valuable items, such as jewelry or heirlooms, you’ll need a bigger, more secure safe.

Where will you put it?

Think about where in your home you’ll be storing the safe. Do you want it to be hidden away or out in the open? If you’re looking to hide it, make sure you choose a safe that can be easily concealed.

What Size do you Need?

When it comes to choosing a home safe, it’s important to select one that’s the right size for your needs. If you only need to store a few key documents, then a small safe will suffice. However, if you have a large collection of valuables, then you’ll need a larger unit. It’s also worth considering how easy the safe is to use.

Security level

It is also important to consider the level of security you need. Some safes are simply designed to keep out curious children or deter casual thieves. Others are designed to withstand a determined attack by a skilled burglar. The level of security you need will depend on the type of valuables you are storing and your personal security needs.

Do you need a warranty?

Some home safes come with a warranty. This is something to consider if you’re looking to purchase a high-end safe.

What’s your Budget

Finally, consider the price when selecting a home safe. Safes can range in price from a few hundred dollars to several thousand, so it’s important to select one that’s within your budget. However, don’t sacrifice security for price – make sure that the safe you choose is fit for purpose and will adequately protect your belongings.